Henri Chinchilla Killed in Fatal Multi-Vehicle Accident in West Covina, CA West Covina, CA (June 4, 2022) – Henri Chinchilla (52) was identified as the fatality in a multi-vehicle collision in West Covina. According to FOX11, the accident happened around 4:00 am on Saturday. Henri Chinchilla was found lying on the freeway, covered with debris …
Caltrans Worker, Quandra McGadney Identified as Victim in Fatal Hit-and-Run Accident in Vacaville, CA
Quandra McGadney Killed in Fatal Hit-and-Run Accident in Vacaville, CA Vacaville, CA (June 3, 2022) – Quandra McGadney (51), a Caltrans worker, was identified as the victim of a fatal hit-and-run accident in Vacaville. According to NBC Bay Area, the accident happened Friday morning. Quandra McGadney was working on the side of I-80 near Lagoon …
Luis Christian Silva Identified as Fatality in Alleged DUI Accident in Menifee, CA
Luis Christian Silva Killed in Alleged DUI Accident in Menifee Menifee, CA (June 1, 2022) – Luis Christian Silva (32) of Winchester was identified as the victim of an alleged DUI accident on Bundy Canyon Road. According to Patch, the accident happened around 5:15 am on Tuesday. Luis Christian Silva was ejected from his motorcycle …
James Earl Posey Jr. Killed in Pedestrian Accident in Bakersfield, CA
James Earl Posey Jr. Killed After Being Struck by Vehicle in Bakersfield Bakersfield, CA (May 30, 2022) – James Earl Posey Jr. (55) of Bakersfield was identified as the pedestrian who was struck by a vehicle on New Stine Road. According to KGET, the collision was reported around 8:45 pm on Monday. James Earl Posey …
Morgan Lafaye Barber Identified as Fatality in Alleged Hit-and-Run Accident in Bakersfield, CA
Morgan Lafaye Barber Killed in Alleged Hit-and-Run Crash in Bakersfield Bakersfield, CA (May 29, 2022) – Morgan Lafaye Barber (56) of Bakersfield was identified as the victim of an alleged hit-and-run crash on Alfred Harrell Highway. According to KGET, the crash was reported around 8:41 pm on Sunday. Morgan Lafaye Barber was driving southbound on …
Los Angeles Training Accident Severely Injured and Killed Houston Tipping
Houston Tipping Died After Sustaining Severe Injuries in Los Angeles Training Accident Los Angeles, CA (May 31, 2022) – A police training accident in Los Angeles killed Houston Tipping (32), a five-year Los Angeles Police Department veteran. According to the Napa Valley Register, the accident happened on Thursday at the Elysian Park Academy. A Los …
Eric Leon Identified as Fatality in Car Accident in San Luis Obispo, CA
Eric Leon Killed in Car Crash in San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo, CA (May 31, 2022) – Eric Leon (31) of Coalinga was identified as the driver who died after his vehicle crashed on Cuesta Grade last Thursday. According to KSBY, the crash was reported around 5:45 am. Eric Leon was found dead at …
Eugenia Esperansa Villarreal Identified as Passenger in Fatal Car Accident in Bakersfield, CA
Eugenia Esperansa Villarreal Killed in Fatal Car Crash in Bakersfield Bakersfield, CA (May 31, 2022) – Eugenia Esperansa Villarreal (23) of Bakersfield was identified as the passenger in a fatal car crash in Northeast Bakersfield last Sunday. According to KGET, the accident occurred at around 8:00 pm on Sunday. Eugenia Esperansa Villarreal died at the …
Jesse Fleury Identified as Victim in Fatal Hit-and-Run Accident in Palm Springs, CA
Jesse Fleury Killed in Fatal Hit-and-Run Crash in Palm Springs Palm Springs, CA (May 31, 2022) – Jesse Fleury (39) of San Jacinto was recently identified as the fatality of an alleged hit-and-run at Palm Springs last Friday. According to Yahoo, the incident happened at around 7:00 am on Friday. Jesse Fleury died at the …
Veronica Vargas Identified as Fatality in Alleged Hit-and-Run DUI Accident in Sacramento, CA
Veronica Vargas Killed in Alleged Hit-and-Run DUI Crash in Sacramento Sacramento, CA (May 30, 2022) – Veronica Vargas (35) of Sacramento was identified as the victim who got killed after getting hit by a pickup truck at Power Inn Road and Elsie Avenue in Sacramento. According to KCRA, the incident happened at around 8:30 am …
Biker Fatality: UC Davis Student Tris Yasay, hit by Garbage Truck On Campus

Biker Tris Yasay Killed in Crash Involving Garbage Truck in UC Davis Davis, CA (May 26, 2022) – Tris Yasay (19), a freshman from UC Davis, died after getting hit by a garbage truck while cycling. According to CBS Sacramento, the incident happened at around 8:00 am on Wednesday. According to reports, Yasay rode a …
Natalia Vaca Guevara Identified as Victim in Fatal Two-Car Accident in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
Natalia Vaca Guevara Died in Two-Vehicle Crash in Rancho Santa Margarita Rancho Santa Margarita, CA (May 25, 2022) – Natalia Vaca Guevara (27) died after getting in a two-car accident on Antonio Parkway near Tijeras Creek Road in Rancho Santa Margarita. According to the Orange County Register, the accident happened at around 10:10 pm on …
Deven Camolina Identified as Victim in Fatal Car Accident in Corona, CA
Deven Camolina Killed in Solo-Car Crash on Interstate 15 in Corona Corona, CA (May 26, 2022) – Deven Camolina (15) of Riverside died after getting involved in a solo-car accident on the Cajalco road off-ramp from Interstate 15. According to MyNewsLA, the incident happened at around 11:50 pm on Tuesday. Deven Camolina rode as a …
Yvonne Joby, Yasmeen Jobeh, and Jennifer Dagher Killed in Alleged DUI Accident in Los Angeles, CA
Yvonne Joby, Yasmeen Jobeh, and Jennifer Dagher Identified as Victims of Fatal Alleged DUI Crash in Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA (May 25, 2022) – Yvonne Joby (18) of Ventura, Yasmeen Jobeh (23) of Oxnard, and Jennifer Dagher (20) of Ventura were identified as fatalities of an alleged DUI crash in Los Angeles. According to …
Monte Smith Sr. Killed in Solo-Car Accident on Whipple Road in Union City, CA
Monte Smith Sr. Died in Solo-Car Crash in Union City Union City, CA (May 24, 2022) – Monte Smith Sr. (39) from Berkeley died in a solo-car accident at 950 Whipple Road in Union City. According to Patch, the incident happened at around 2:40 pm on Sunday. Monte Smith Sr. died after crashing his vehicle …
Jesus Alejandro Belmonte Castro Jr. Identified As Fatality in Solo-Car Accident in East Palo Alto, CA
Jesus Alejandro Belmonte Castro Jr. Killed in Solo-Car Crash in East Palo Alto East Palo Alto, CA (May 25, 2022) – Jesus Alejandro Belmonte Castro Jr. (29) died in a solo-vehicle crash on University Avenue and Bay Road in East Palo Alto. According to the Mercury News, the accident happened at around 8:04 pm on …
Frank Romero Killed in Pedestrian Accident at an Intersection in Fresno, CA
Frank Romero Killed After Getting Hit by a Vehicle in Fresno Fresno, CA (May 25, 2022) – Frank Romero (73) was identified as the fatality of a pedestrian crash on Herndon and Blackstone avenues in Fresno. According to Your Central Valley, the incident happened at around 5:30 am on Tuesday. According to authorities, a vehicle …
Wrongful Death Claims: What Are They and How do They Work?

What Is A Wrongful Death Claim? A wrongful death claim is a fairly new concept. It can happen when a person dies due to someone else’s legal fault. According to the laws of California, people, organizations, and even entities can be held legally at fault if their proven negligence results in damages and death to …
Isac Chavez Identified as Motorcycle Accident Fatality on Highway 118 in Los Angeles, CA
Isac Chavez Killed in Motorcycle Crash on Highway 118 in Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA (May 25, 2022) – Isac Chavez (27) from Simi Valley died in a motorcycle accident on Highway 118 in Los Angeles. According to Yahoo News, the incident happened at 11:20 pm on Saturday. Isac Chavez crashed his motorcycle into the …
Miguel Rivara Died in a Motorcycle Accident in Santa Clarita, CA
Miguel Rivara Killed in Motorcycle Crash Involving a Semi-Truck in Santa Clarita Santa Clarita, CA (May 23, 2022) – Miguel Rivara (22) from Granada Hills died in a motorcycle accident involving a semi-truck on 5 Freeway at 14 Freeway in Santa Clarita. According to Nationwide Report, the incident happened at around 5:13 am on Saturday. …