Case Preview
On a seemingly ordinary day, Lola* visited a store to complete her routine errands. Tragically, her ordinary outing took an unexpected turn as she slipped and fell in one of the aisles, leading to a series of medical procedures to alleviate her pain. Jacoby & Meyers came to her aid, securing a $1.5 million settlement on her behalf.
Background of the Case
Lola*, a 58-year-old woman, set out to run her usual errands at a store, where an unforeseen accident awaited her. While navigating one of the aisles, she slipped and fell abruptly, unable to brace herself and sustaining injuries as a result.
A kind stranger nearby rushed to Lola’s assistance, helping her up and discovering a piece of white tissue-like paper—possibly parchment or wax—that caused her fall. A store employee also came to Lola’s aid, quickly discarding the paper.
Despite her shock and pain, Lola managed to exit the store with the help of a police officer who had arrived on the scene. The officer found her a safe place to sit while ensuring her comfort. However, Lola’s boyfriend, who was present during the incident, became increasingly concerned and asked store employees to call an ambulance. Unfortunately, the store employees refused, leaving the couple feeling helpless until the officer intervened and requested an ambulance himself.
Impact on the Client
Lola’s slip and fall accident resulted in a myriad of physical symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, and nausea. These symptoms significantly impacted her daily life, ultimately requiring a medical procedure to alleviate her ongoing pain and discomfort.
How Jacoby & Meyers Helped
Bretil Beitmirza and her team at Jacoby & Meyers worked relentlessly to secure justice for Lola in the wake of her slip and fall incident. Their dedication resulted in a $1.5 million settlement for Lola, which covered her medical expenses, lost wages, and additional damages stemming from her injuries.
Throughout the legal process, the team not only fought for Lola’s rights but also provided her with emotional support. Their unwavering commitment ensured that Lola received the compensation she deserved, enabling her to move forward with her life.

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