After a car accident in California, you can take steps to find a good Los Angeles car accident lawyer, which might include asking friends and family members for recommendations. When using a lawyer to help you pursue an at-fault driver, you may want to look for one who:
- Has good reviews and customer testimonials
- Responds to your questions and concerns
- Regularly updates you on the progress of your case
- Can help you collect evidence to support your case
The lawyer you choose to work with should also be familiar with the intricacies of personal injury law in California. Certain laws might also affect your case, including how long you must file a lawsuit.
Laws that Might Affect Your Personal Injury Lawsuit
California has a statute of limitations that determines how much time you have to file a lawsuit on a personal injury. In general, the California Code of Civil Procedure (CCP) §335.1 allows you to file a personal injury lawsuit within two years of the accident. If you neglect to file your lawsuit on time, you might unintentionally put your chance at receiving compensation in jeopardy.
The statute of limitations is only one California law that might impact your case. Your lawyer can also consider additional laws, such as:
- California Civil Code (CIV) §3333.4 limits your ability to collect compensation for “pain, suffering, inconvenience, physical impairment, [or] disfigurement” if the injured person was driving under the influence of alcohol or was uninsured at the time of the accident.
- California is a “pure negligence” state, meaning all parties may be held liable for damages if they contributed to the accident, as dictated by CIV §1714. If you are found partially at fault, this might decrease your recoverable damages by the percentage of fault assigned to you in the accident.
Likewise, your lawyer canexplain these and other laws that might affect your case.
Choose a Lawyer Who Can Accurately Assess Your Case’s Value
CIV §1431.2 lets you pursue an at-fault driver for the following recoverable damages after a car accident:
- Medical expenses
- Wage deduction or income loss
- Property damage or loss
- Pain and suffering
- Mental anguish
- Emotional trauma
- Loss of society
- Loss of companionship
- Loss of consortium
Your lawyer may help you value your damages. After assigning a financial value to your claim, they may help negotiate a financial settlement with the at-fault driver or their insurer.
Choose a Lawyer Who Can Help You Negotiate a Settlement
A financial settlement may be your preferred method of resolving your compensation claim. Once your lawyer assigns a financial value to your case, they might be able to negotiate a settlement that lets you and the at-fault party avoid a lengthy court trial by reaching a mutually agreed settlement.
You, not your lawyer, will decide to accept or reject a settlement. A financial settlement is permanent, which makes accurately valuing your damages critical to settlement talks. Doing so might help ensure your case is not undervalued or underpaid.
Your lawyer may review each settlement offer you receive and discuss its merits and drawbacks with you. They might also review the documents and evidence in your case file and explain their role in pursuing compensation for you.
Choose a Lawyer Who Can Help You Collect Evidence
Your lawyer may also be able to assist you by collecting evidence to support your case. The evidence you and your legal team collect might contain documents and photos that help prove the cause of the accident. These can also help determine the costs it created. To complete your case file, we may request:
- The official crash report
- Medical records
- Medical bills
- Medication receipts
- Injury photos
- Accident scene photos
- Witness statements
Let your legal team know if you need assistance obtaining anything on the list. Also, inform them if you have additional forms of evidence. They might be able to request certain items on your behalf.
Find a Good Car Accident Lawyer in Your Area
After a car accident, a lawyer in your area might be able to help you pursue the at-fault driver for financial recovery. When our team helps you fight for compensation, our goal is to prove the at-fault driver owed you a duty of care, breached their duty, caused your injuries, and caused their financial consequences.
Contact the personal injury team at Jacoby & Meyers Law Offices by calling (866) 559-7223 today to learn more about how hard our team can fight for your financial compensation.
Call or text 866-559-7223 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form